

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Film evaluations

Bruce Almighty

          In the first minute there are over 50 different shots as this makes the film look fresh and the audience entertained without giving too much of the film away. In Bruce almighty . The 50 different shots include all types of camera movements, angles and types. This allows you to see it from different angles and shows the producer knows what he is doing with the editing. In Bruce Almighty the music is very cheesy upbeat music, this is because it fits with the genre of comedy. This lets the audience know that its comedy. During the film there is a lot of high key lighting used to show that it’s not a creepy horror and it also shows the key things in each scene and sets the comedy mood. During the trailer there are many catch lines from the film used to try and help the audience get an understanding of the film without seeing too much.


Even in this short trailer there is so much editing and lighting. This will attract attention as it shows they have spent alot of money on the editing. The special effects look great. Special effects include fast jump cutting this shows the audience that the main character can move from one point to another very quickly and shows all of the editing is well thought about, and it shows that the editors have taken real care in planning this film to make it seem more realistic. Most of the lighting is quite bright with only a few dark scenes this is shown  by using high key lighting to show the tension and build an atmosphere that will entertain the audience and make them want to see the movie.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Film poster first draft

This is my first draft of a film poster promoting my film. I will be changing the image as i only used this as a template until i can get a picture from an actor of my film.